china get rid of Totally dependent on imports for the quality terrain cranes

02/13/2014 17:23

 Commission by letter of Shanxi Province, said the Ministry commissioned Vehicle Technology Center of Taiyuan Heavy Industry (600169) Co., Ltd. The newest all-terrain used cranes production and having access to on-site technical review. After that all-terrain crane operation, you possibly can completely eliminate entirely dependent on imports from the situation all terrain crane, also demonstrating the gear manufacturing industry in Shanxi strong research and innovation capacity and manufacturing capabilities.

Inside the on-site technical review, the review team relative to relevant provisions in the Ministry of Industry, all-terrain crane for heavy R & D, production, quality control and other related capabilities and conditions with the article review. Upon review, the model is too heavy crane has reached the “access management rules” inside license conditions 19 major items, could be widely used in wind power, petroleum, chemical, atomic power, metallurgy, construction as well as other industries.

Now, China’s all-terrain quality crane is utterly dependent upon imports. Provincial Commission by letter said, after completing hidden procedures, too new all-terrain crane will probably be submitted to the Ministry of Industry Announcements access, then you can enter in the production stage.