Who manages the tower crane

02/14/2014 16:57

 In view of the tower crane production, supply and marketing , the use of the chaos , some of the informal enterprises put forward their own proposals.

For this proposal , the Director of the production license of the AQSIQ Liu Hongsheng September 24 in an interview with this reporter , said the AQSIQ replacement work will start in the next year , before the replacement, will be set up to review the General Administration Department , written by experts in charge of implementing rules renewal of an application for certification of enterprises, both will be in accordance with the Bye-laws , experts went to investigate , passing behind the new evidence available . Director Liu said that until the end of the replacement work , the State will organize a nationwide ban undocumented enterprise remediation activities. Wu Jianping production license AQSIQ Office added that while companies may order certified fraud moment , once identified , will always be revoked.

Some companies suggested using the crane ‘s strict inspection and supervision system, strengthen the operations staff.

Provincial CPPCC Standing Committee, China Group Chairman Xiachun Ting talked about his own views. His proposals are : the use of next year a new replacement machine, revoke batch production conditions no longer have factory production license. For new entrants to the crane manufacturing industry enterprises , can be like for pharmaceutical companies , like the practice after the implementation acquire a license to get a business license .

It is understood that the tower crane production license for five years for a change, and now the country’s permit had expired last year , the State wishes to start next year replacement work .

It is understood that the operation of the crane to be dangerous on the road than cars, inspection and qualification of the retirement system and the driver of the car is very strict , the crane is not the case , inspection mere formality, some areas have emerged cross-sectoral management chaos. In addition, nearly half of crane accidents have occurred during installation or removal , the main reason for this is that the accident installers and operators are not high quality . Do not operate the crane driver card also still open crane , the lack of strict management.

September 24 , Director of Special Equipment Department AQSIQ steel boiler Bureau Cui told reporters before due to the existence of “Everyone tube anyone regardless of ” cross- management situation , resulting in the use of safety supervision by crane in a disordered state. He said that in August this year, the State Council issued on the Sanding program AQSIQ where once again clear that after induction with training in security and operations staff of the tower cranes inspection and installation of a new , all the quality system organizations, other administrative departments shall not interfere . Cui Gang said that from October 1 this year , will be in a strong quality control system with crane into the security aspects , and rigorous training and certification driver personnel.

From July 1, 2001 , prohibiting the use of 20D derrick Tower crane , because this mass production in the early 1990s greatly simplified crane hazards . It was suggested that the country should also promote the practice . For 20D derrick tower cranes , if indeed there is a serious security risk , the experts in the preparation of replacement implementing rules should consider this issue and proposed “national cut-off” proposal.
xiachun ting also suggested , from safety performance , the state should promote the tower cranes foundation , minimizing or even ban ballast and rail mounted crane categories .

For this proposal , Liu Hongsheng , the Commissioner said , we are implementing rules replacement will fully consider how to strengthen the ballast and rail mounted quality crane safety performance requirements , but a total ban on the two types of products, you have to be with the other departments of the State Council .