Zhenhua Port Machinery Company completed a new U.S. Sidelights Bay Bridge steel construction

02/22/2014 16:27

 Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery ( Group ) Co., Ltd. ( often called : ZPMC) with ” zero defects overall process of quality management system ,” stand out from the 261 organizations , was the initial Chinese Quality Award nomination reflects the Jury the potency of this company featured zero-defect quality management , advanced and replicability recognition.

    Over the past decade , ZPMC large container machinery successive defeat in the competition available in the market , Japan ‘s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Mitsui , Samsung , Hyundai, Germany, Krupp along with large enterprises , the volume of orders primarily world counterparts , the earth’s ports occupy nearly 80%. Today, we’re full-page coverage of Zhenhua Port Machinery, in the hope more the likes of Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery , much like the strength to straighten produced in China.

    September 2 recently , the San fran – Oakland Bay Bridge ( hereinafter often called ” the new Bay Bridge ” ) officially opened , connecting S . fransisco and Oakland took over as traffic throat , shoulder to shoulder Statue of Liberty has become a new landmark . The bridge within the difficulty and tariff of world history have hit almost all of the bridges, the service lifetime of 150 years , the anti- 8 earthquake, the incident took over as the focus of media coverage in america . This kind of bridge , its 45,000 tons of steel construction all filmed by Zhenhua Heavy Industries , the Chinese workers make use of their particular technology and process again to demonstrate the earth the ” Produced in China” gold card .

    Zhenhua Heavy Industries, earth’s port machinery “hegemony “, now could be an additional “Batman ” status . Inside motherland earned another honor as well , company leaders declared these credit must thank the industrious and talented workers !

    Chinese welder top-notch international competition

    July 11, 2011 , the final ship new Bay Bridge steel shipped from Shanghai Changxing Island . Delivery site , the U.S. charge : “The most difficult area of the new Bay Bridge is created ​​in China .”

    Wei Jun, a front-line workers Zhenhua Heavy Industries welding shop in Oakland Bay Bridge project, welding steel bridge tower is actually him with the exceptional partners formed the ” welder home” to complete . August heat wave , Wei Jun and his companions have to drill one square meter of cabinets operations, torch work happens on the cabinets in the event the temperatures are excessive temperature 180 ℃ ~ 230 ℃, power is only able to make use of blowing air cooler at work the environment cooling from your temperature to make sure that harm to one’s body . All the same , each one could only insist on for half an hour , in the event the drill out of the box , the whole body was soaked in sweat .

    However, a really tired and bitter on Jun Wei Zhenhua Heavy Industries for pretty much 10 years career, is certainly not however the technical requirements with the new Bay Bridge project harsh , has let him remember. April 2009 , the primary ship with the new Bay Bridge steel shipped soon. However , america has temporarily improved user testing standards , when using the provisions with the contract exceeds by far the leading detection technology recheck the repair has been faced with the acceptance from the product . This news quickly spread throughout the project department, to Wei Jun and the companions blow . Viewed the effects from the mixture of effort and sweat is just not recognized , the tears fell seven ft . tall , morale dropped to melting point. However, project director Li Jianghua , ” all that is needed , we can do” to re- inspire the morale of some words . Eight months later, following the first ship repair steel through the detection accurate to the millimeter level .

    In Zhenhua Heavy Industries , Wei Jun and a huge selection of skilled and welders together to be a symbol from the powerful on behalf of Zhenhua Heavy steel manufacturing strength . In August, Jun Wei Zhenhua Heavy Industries on the part of the parent company China Communications Construction in Odessa, Ukraine to engage in organized “BENARDOS” Cup International Competition welders , TIG his individual game, try testing weldments RT 100% qualified , specimen was named the best referee , the only one to get the project international welder certificate, Wei Jun was named ” best weldment good players .”

    Victorious return , Wei Jun ‘s words still simple, “My dream is simply when a qualified welder , new Bay Bridge opened to traffic, once they heard the mayor of San Francisco ‘s Chinese say : The ‘Keep in mind the Chinese contribution ‘, I will be particularly satisfied with . ”

    Innovation and invention to solve technical problems

    Zhenhua Heavy Industries this family, along with Wei Jun this type of ” great talent ” welders , in other sectors , a technical expert should be to stick out , to improve their innovation and invention because of the company’s processing technology , saving plenty of manpower , material and savings, shorten the processing cycle. Nantong Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company V.P. Shen Weijun Steel project is just about the best.

    Born in 1974, Shen Guards “old Zhenhua “, along with 2012 , Shen Weijun get senior technician qualification China Communications Construction Group review . Its technical innovations of eight patents , patent 5 , 2012 Pudong New Area to obtain Workers ‘ inventor ‘ prize , the finalists recommended with the ” Shanghai Ninth Ten workers inventor” before 15 candidates eventually won the nomination award and “Shanghai workers technological innovation experts” , to become led and colleagues as being the ” vanguard of technological know-how Zhenhua Heavy Industry workers .”

    While using the development and expansion , assembly is made of also facing an urgent request processing technology is constantly on the progress, Shen Weijun company has completed the conversion first mobile slide milling, design restructuring from the handheld chamfering machine , a series of special tooling and fixtures , etc. timely resolution for the urgent needs of production . In 2009, the organization assumed the Nantong five full swing floating quality crane production tasks. The eye of huge-diameter turntable and rotating floating crane chassis processing , there isn’t any corresponding device , outsourcing costs and alarmingly high. Shen Weijun addition to technology staff to uncover information , learning experiences , self- study , design and processing equipment , and lastly created a removable rotary milling machine . The project costs only savings for the company many millions , while greatly reducing the processing period and product manufacturing cycle and improve market competitiveness.

    Shen Weijun Nantong interview , he’d just finished solving technical problems inside the field to return , though tired, his face still filled up with excitement smile, ” I didnrrrt expect , in the matter of national security affairs, we can easily also play a huge role from the workers , so satisfaction is so exciting . ” in truth, in a very national project , as a result of technical problems, are lagging behind schedule , this company assigned for the scene to unravel Shen Weijun , after half monthly of research, problem solved, the timely completion of the project , has been highly. Shen Weijun said , his heart has always a dream , should be to visualize advanced technology abroad to view, to master, to help improve the level of their very own companions , to ensure “Stated in China ” real highlight ” reinforced steel frame .”

    Unstoppable Zhenhua Port Machinery

    According to the U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) news , local time March 29, 2013 , to encourage the United states citizens to work with ” Manufactured in America” ​​, U.S. President Obama delivered a speech on the Port of Miami pier. The irony is that, to get published prior to a Obama speech, a gust of wind blew for their American flag hanging behind the crane , the crane around the U.S. deliberately obscured “ZPMC” ( ZPMC ) kanji symbol could make true colors being released speech live . Suddenly, Obama dumbfounded audience wind messy .

    Official White House photo released afterwards to stop the 11th crane , leaving around the 12th .

    Obama advocated in america Stated in China

    In line with reports , to be able to highlight the PFP , Obama delivered a speech for the White House arranged within the seaside pier crane.

    Current since recently , has blocked Sany, Huawei and also other Chinese companies to buy the us and commercial operations. He also advocated north america , encourage the use of American products , encouraging foreign enterprises an extra chance the United States.

    The keynote address is usually to encourage private capital to invest in U.S. companies and infrastructure, create more job opportunities for that local . Obama so as to highlight their position, deliberately chosen to dicuss pier . American Federation on the job – Industrial Trade Unions also take part in the ” Stated in America ” slogan.

    The White House advance team found a dock background speech as president although “ground gas”, but the most eye Crane wins “Produced in China .” So , they used the American flag to pay for every ZPMC ( Zhenhua Heavy Industries ) flag.

    Transpires with inclementness , the Obama touted the former ” American-made ” speech, a gust of wind stirred the bureau.

 Obama also been on this awkward atmosphere , inside the ” Stated in China” resistant to the background, are encouraged to start their “Produced in America ” speech. Exposed about the 11th crane “ZPMC” sign and possesses immediate access towards the live picture , Obama inadvertently gave “Made in China ” on behalf of an announcement.

    American flag hanging in wooden frame support , wherein the first top of the wind and crumbling . Staff worry until this American flag within a speech Zala down , would have to be removed, reserved .  

    Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery ( Group ) Company (ZPMC) is really a celebrated manufacturer of cranes and large steel structures . Currently , the foremost U.S. coasts and ports Port Authority more(a) 80 % of products from Zhenhua Port Machinery Heavy .

    Reported that , although Chinese flag outside a lot of the camera lens, Obama this ” push the U.S. economy ,” the speech remained very embarrassing. This content also joked how the White House staff next error demonstrates that they must use a firmer root flag tied a rope to conceal trademark.

    All the more interesting is the fact that following White House released the state photos from the quality crane away around the 11th , leaving a ” harmony ” about the 12th .

    ” Made in America” ​​weak recovery , export competitiveness only inside the second level

  A number of people will pin their hopes within the automation that automation increases productivity , revitalizing the “Made in America .” However, automation and robotics can’t solve America’s employment problems, not solve the re-industrialization main objectives: a lot of jobs the U.S. economy back over a positive cycle. Automated resulted in loss in operating experience , more conducive for the development of future product developments plus a new generation of automation systems.

    U.S. recession plus the decline from the manufacturing sector is profound problem throughout American society. Obama ‘s speech is definitely top line expressed good intentions , but is unlikely to eliminate the flag modesty manufacturing recession problem.

    Last couple of years , can often be seen ” American manufacturing has returned, recovery ,” the report . However, on March 24 this past year, Goldman Sachs released an investigation report, “Now , almost no proof a structural recovery , cautious relatively strong productivity growth , but U.S. exports – can be stated to be a more reliable way of measuring competitiveness – can only count the second level . ”

    December 3 not too long ago , the U.S. Institute for Supply Management report showed U.S. manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) fell sharply in November not too long ago , slipped to lows since July 2009 .

    Some say the American flag to hide , not simply the letter of Chinese enterprises , along with the failure on the Obama team . As opposed to spending some time these dishonest things , marketing and advertising to hear the voices of the unemployed.

    Some say that not a lot of people can have actually noticed Zhenhua Port Machinery , CNN a report, everyone knows.

    It is said that from this incident behind us can see things far more versus the event itself . To be a citizen, I cannot care less business with all the U . s . and also other countries , the belief that Obama and his awesome team are actually doing whitewash things , people often give empty promises .

    Some individuals say this is really a prelude for the U.S. President’s April Fool’s Day .

    Zhenhua News

    Singapore’s PSA shore bridge project was praised

    Recently, PSA (PSA) sent a letter of commendation , praised the safety Zhenhua Port Machinery Company built quayside reliable .

    Singapore’s PSA shore bridge project is short-cycle project , each average production cycle for eight months. To this effect, Changxing Branch was established PSA quay project manager , by way of a number of initiatives to raise the operational efficiency on the project . Establish day communication systems , communication and coordination and supervision of users daily , weekly supervision organizations , users, and Changxing Branch inspectors inspection and self-test , through process control , improved one-time inspection pass rate component. Within the assembly phase , the project jointly while using assembly shop and inspection station , repeatedly checks the integrity of site and rectification single implementation , reducing the number of high-altitude operations . Inside commissioning test phase , the project timely communication while using the user , to offer the test side edge tone and timely solutions test problems.

    Nowadays , the project has become successful Quayside 31 units shipped 21 units.

    First entered the market of railway steel bridge

  New hub of Guangzhou , Foshan West Station and early implementation of the project discovered in Nanhai District of Foshan City , Foshan metropolitan area is a node to the southwest region of radiation, a few major passenger rail hub of Guangzhou and Guangzhou Railroad station, Guangzhou East Train station and Guangzhou South Railroad station form . The Canton South Canton Railway bridge within the wide mileage impose Dan Gui form through the road , utilizing a combination of continuous rigid frame arch bridge structural beams , the spot that the 1st four-lane bridge railway bridge , the other lane bridge railway bridge , the overall steel weighs about 8,000 tons.

    Recently, the Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company and CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Bureau signed a hub of Guangzhou , Foshan West Station Road railway bridge throughout the Dan Gui supply contracts , marking send out first entry in to the market of railway steel bridges , and further enrich their steel product types.

    Foshan West Station for passenger bears the western region in the Pearl River Delta , Foshan City, to enhance the quality and integrated transport system traveling throughout the Pearl River Delta region railway capacity is significant.

    ” Zhenhai 2″ drilling platform with new tactics to reduce residual stress

    Metal components in the cold and warm processing will produce residual stresses , residual stresses make the actual strength member is reduced, lowering the fatigue limit , making sure that deformation of parts , greatly affect the dimensional accuracy of components. Company after careful study , chose to adopt the ” VSR ” get rid of the residual stress technology.

    Recently, the ” Zhenhai 2″ 400 feet offshore rig lift lock structure of production , the Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company uses ” VSR ” processing technology, to switch the ” Zhenhai 1″ found in producing ” thermal aging ” technology . ” VSR ” technology while like ” thermal aging ” to own same residual stress , but also saves energy more than 90% .

    ” VSR ” technology describes a periodic external force from the shaker , the resonance with the workpiece itself , thereby eliminating residual stress and homogenized , so that dimensional stability. In comparison with ” heat aging “, ” VSR ” technology in the treatment member , neither reduced hardness member , will not produce oxide ; requires neither a unique heat treatment furnace , heat without contamination with the dust and very little cost .

    Currently, ” Zhenhai 2″ may be completed pile shoe , double bottom section , the middle deck blocks and pre- outfitting construction , initiated a policy of construction of the platform leg related .

    Successful loading platform on the ocean life

   ” Prometheus ” platform length of 118 meters , 70 meters wide and 38 meters deep , rated 500 people live , can provide large-scale marine construction needs deck cargo storage space, weighs 2.5 tons. To complete the shipment in this large rigs , the organization uses advanced ship design, give full play to large-tonnage ” Zhenhua 15″ round of semi-submersible transport advantages, the successful finishing the loading from the platform.

    January 2 , in Yantai, Shandong waters , Zhenhua Port Machinery Company while using the ” Zhenhua 15″ wheel semi-submersible vessels, the successful finishing of the shipment Petrobras ‘ Prometheus ‘ wide living semi-submersible offshore platform , has decided to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil shipped for the destination .

    This can be the first time Zhenhua Port Machinery Company to execute wide class of overweight offshore accommodation platform work for the business to develop high-end maritime transport market and lay an excellent foundation.

    Four-track growth of the shipyard Gantry crane service reform

    Recently, Keppel Subic Shipyard inside Philippines , in the event the gantry weight 1875 tons after having a successful trial , the Philippines, local media published around the most visited page on this exciting news. Previously, the shipyard services within a dock door maximum weight of only 80 tons , as the maximum lifting capacity in the gantry Zhenhua Port Machinery Company provided 1500 tons , becoming Southeast Asia’s largest gantry crane tonnage , greatly enhancing the shipyard manufacturing strength.

    This is the Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company developed our planet’s first cross four gantry orbit , orbital dock doesn’t need the transformation , nor delay the standard manufacture of the dock , allowing users to actually appreciate the amount of money comfortable.

    While using the upgrading of shipbuilding technology , using a single device dock before 35 tons, 80 numerous lifting capacity has lagged far behind the amount of the international mainstream shipbuilding , the urgent have to introduce greater user gantry crane tonnage realize the effectiveness of the shipyard upgrade .

    Only conventional gantry rigid flex the lower limb side and a couple leg-side cartroad , when the conventional gantry design , with regards to either side with the monorail bearing capacity are not able to match the requirements of enormous , gantry orbit should be requested alterations, alterations will handle redesigned and refurbished pier civil construction , engineering reinvent the total amount similar to the dock , not merely the price tag on an enormous transformation , reconstruction period will seriously affect the shipyard tight production schedule.

    Zhenhua Port Machinery Company to help keep the perspective from the user advantages of the maximum extent , in the pre- dock rail carrying capacity of countless research based on the innovative design of 4-track gantry crane, the 1000s of a great deal of hanging weight evenly apportioned among the four tracks, effectively break the carrying capacity with the existing track limits , providing cost-effective rehabilitation programs for other old dock upgrade.